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royally realigned 

Group intensive

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Have you accessed a level of success in your personal and professional life, but still feel like something's missing? 


Have you fallen into the trap of portraying one image to the world that doesn't fully resonate with you truly are deep down; ultimately stopping you from entertaining and pursuing your dream life?


If you answered yes, this is for you! 


Alisha takes 10 individuals on an immersive journey into her ABC Coaching Methodology.


In 3 hours, she facilitates a intimate and progressive experience where you're guided through all three phases of her methodology:


1. Reveal      2. Release     3. Renew


Merging psychology, spirituality and the neurosciences,

she uses evidence-based methods to assist you through a

self-transcendent experience where you're challenged to release your blocks and

realign with your highest self.


Alisha creates an environment where you're treated as royalty. She believes in order to be reminded of our true nature we have to be immersed in it and experience what is divinely intended for us.


You'll leave feeling more clarity about your life's vision and mission. You'll be guided to identify the ways you're self-sabotaging and tools for how to step into your dreams in a renewed way.


In the Royally Realigned space, you will be able to boldly and 

unapologetically show up as your authentic self!

event schedule

6:00-6:30pm- Royal salutation

6:30-7:30pm- Grounding meditation and revelation exercise

7:30-8:00pm- Celebration meal and 4th dimension chat

8:00-8:45pm- Coaching immersion

8:45-9:00pm- Grounding meditation and farewell

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