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Where have you been?


Where Have You Been Eventbrite (1).png

Photo cred: Christian Louboutin Queen Nefertiti campaign, fall 2015


ReFind You is hosting its second mixer of the year, "Where Have You Been?"


This offers an immersive experience for high achieving women who could use a reminder of their queendom. "Where Have You Been" is curated by Alisha Bradley, owner of ReFind You and ranked as Yelp's #1 Lifestyle Coach in Chicago. She's thoughtfully designed a fun and interactive social mixer that will stimulate the senses and elevate the mind and spirit. All vendors and partners share one mission, to pamper and pour into attendees, reminding them of how they deserve to be treated as the royalty they are.

What's included?

-Pampering services (massages and manicures)

-Fashion styling sessions with high-end gowns provided by Rent the Runway

-Purple catwalk runway experience

-Live performance and entertainment

-Access to vendors' products/services for the mind, body and spirit

-Small bites and cocktails

-Swag bags and raffle giveaways

Join us as we rise together in our Queendom! 

level up mixer

To kick off the new year, Alisha hosted the Level Up Mixer at Evolve Her in Chicago. 

Partners/contributors included: 

Rent the Runway, The Face Pro Makeup Artists, doTerra Essential Oils, Confidence Apparel, Bellina Caetano,

fashion photographers and various vendors for the mind, body, and spirit.

Attendees received makeup styling, professional headshots, and a power posing tutorial in the form of an improvised photoshoot facilitated by model and actress Yaya Dacosta.

According to Business Insider, 80% of New Year's resolutions fail by February. 

The Level Up Mixer offered an immersive 

experience for ambitious women who, around the end of January, tend to lose 

motivation and confidence towards their goals for the year.


Alisha carefully designed a fun and interactive social mixer involving a fusion of the arts, sciences and a 

strategically curated environment proven to elicit heightened mental, 

physical and spiritual clarity and power. 

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